We have learnt and benefited immensely from the cooperation and exchange with people from like-minded organizations. We appreciate that BTI data and information has been integrated into composite indicators, included into governmentalassessments of partner countries, and chosen as a reference indicator for related indices.

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Good governance is a key element of German development cooperation. The Ministry’s assessment of good governance is based on a criteria catalogue to which the BTI contributes data and information in various categories.

Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina
CADAL is an Argentinian non-profit and non-partisan foundation. Its mission is to promote democratic values and to make public policy proposals for better government and people’s well-being. Since 2014, CADAL is our cooperation partner and publisher of the Spanish version of the BTI.

Gulf Research Center
The GRC conducts scholarly, high quality research about the GCC area as well as Iran, Iraq and Yemen. It operates on an independent, not-for-profit basis to provide access to knowledge and published an Arabic version of the BTI 2008.

Community of Democracies
The global intergovernmental organization of states brings together governments, civil society and the private sector to support democratic values worldwide. With Freedom House and Ghana CDD, we supported its invitation process by providing democracy quality assessments.

Network of Democracy Research Institutes
NDRI is a global network of 80 think tanks from 50 countries that conduct research and analysis on democracy in comparative government and inter-national affairs. The BTI is a member in this key network of the World Movement for Democracy.

Deutsche Welle
Germany’s international broadcaster provides news and information in 30 languages from the German perspective of a democratic state based on the rule of law. In its series “Secrets of Transformation”, DW combined journalistic investigation with the analytic study results of the BTI 2014.

Club de Madrid
Composed of over 90 former Presidents and Prime Ministers, the Club de Madrid focuses on dialogue for democratic transition and consolidation. From 2015 to 2017, the Club de Madrid cooperated with the BTI in the project Next Generation Democracy to deliver recommendations for the improvement of democratic governance.

Mo Ibrahim Foundation
The Foundation aims to promote meaningful change in Africa by providing tools to support better leadership and governance. Its Ibrahim Index, incorporating 14 BTI indicator scores, is the most comprehensive collection of quantitative data on governance in Africa.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Europe’s largest development agency was our partner in coordinating the Transformation Thinkers initiative, an inter-regional and cross-sectoral dialogue forum on democratization and good governance.

Transparency International
TI is committed to monitoring corporate and public sector corruption worldwide and to developing tools against corruption. Since 2006, BTI data on the prosecution of office abuse and on anti-corruption policy are an integral part of TI’s Corruption Perceptions Index.

World Bank Institute
The WBI supports the World Bank’s operational work in finding suitable solutions for development challenges. Its Governance Indicators, which since 2004 integrate several BTI scores, constitute the leading composite assessment on political management worldwide.